Tag Archives: chair portrait

Chinese workshop

Some time ago we had avery rough workshop – which barely anyone attended becaue it had been organised to fall just as all the BAs were getting ready for the end of year show (or something). However, we worked with the delightful Fank Wu  Http://blog.sina.com.cn/artistwu on how to use Chinese brushes and inks, to ‘do’ Chinese ink dawings. I fell in love with the delicate use of the brush, also the method of starting and ending the stroke. Which is thusly (rather clumsily described): from left to right the stroke would start with a tiny movement just after the starting point required, moving back, then flowing forward, thus crossing the start of the stroke, like a false start perhaps. The end of each stroke is the same, so that one ends up taking the brush off the paper just inside the stroke. Why I am trying to explain this (rather clumsily) is that I tried doing some ink brush drawings of my chairs, because this trailing off of the stroke is one of the things I am always working hard to avoid.  I was difficult, mainly because I had no decent brushes, (and I obviously need to practice a lot more) but I did do one small drawing, of one single chair which I quite liked. In searching through a load of drawings, to see what should and should not go into the final show I came across this drawing and it is going in. I must have been satisfied with it because I noticed that I dated it on the back.

I am refurbishing an old frame I found or bought somewhere, smothering it in gold leaf; the ink drawing will go in it in a lighthearted symbol of the iconic chair of my oeuvre or ‘portrait of an ink drawing of a chair’.

It doesn’t do to take all this art stuff too seriously, I mean look at this year’s Turner Prize shortlist……..http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/7397950.stm

Talking of which a friend went  yesterday and wanted to really see what was littered all over the floor of one of the larger installations, walked into the middle of it and was quickly hustled out ‘this is ART you can’t  go in it’.

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