Tag Archives: dog drawing

More lurcher

After a long time I have begun drawing my wonderful dog again; this is the best so far. I like the effect of  drawing her, then roughly rubbing the whole drawing out and reworking it. It gives it a…a…. a sort of a…., well, rubbed out sort of a look, then sort of filled in again.

I can’t work out how to make the image small enough so that it will enlarge. Sorry folks

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Bobbie & mouse

bobbie-mouse.jpgI started drawing this as my contribution to the pOstage/’draw-in’ that was eamiled from Belfast via DRAWING-RESEARCH@JISCMAIL.AC.UK. I was partnered with David Berube . I received a card from him with a lino cut portrait with a gold toothed orange monster. I could think of nothing else so started a drawing of the dog. Suddenly she went rigid and wide eyed. One of the builders had mentioned seeing a mouse earlier that day and there it was hopping very casually around the floor. This drawing is the result. Then I caught the mouse while the dog watched. Here it is- I trapped it inside an old half pint milk bottle and emptied it into the garden.


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