Tag Archives: Drawing as Process

Death throes and final show

Well it is 2 years since I started and the Ma is finished, the thesis is in and the pictures are hung. If anyone would like to see the death throes of Drawing as Process then go to the Bargehouse, behind the Oxo Tower on the Southbank, London, wednesday to Sunday this week (29 October to 2 November) 11 am to 6 pm.

I am quite pleased with my work, but curiously it has not changed, or the core, heart of my art has not changed; I am still all about marks on paper although I think that the best piece in the show is a stitched piece.

If anyone goes they can vote, tell me what they think, it would be nice to have other people’s opinions.

Also another small success, I entered the Chichester Open Art Competition and was accepted. I am pleased because, well apart from ‘it’s nice to be asked’ I submitted one of my favourite drawings

This does not really do it justice (well I would say that wouldn’t I?)  I have had it framed twice now, first time in black, floating, seeing it thusly I knew it needed more space to breath so it was reframed in white and I had to have a mount added because it had been stuck down, then I could not bear the creased paper which seemed to be getting worse. I took it out and managed to iron out the crease and had it framed so that no paper edge showed. None of this really means anything to you good folks but suffice it to say that it does look beter, it can breath and is not trapped in quite the same way as it was.

Framing is such a tricky thing; after the agony of creating the work, the further agony of what feels like a million tiny framing decisions is almost the last straw, (and not a cheap straw either) but it is nice to get the art out of way and un-tinkerable with.  The work also looks so much more serious when it has been framed, especially very minimal ‘marks on paper’ which can almost at times look like ‘mistakes on paper’ without the gravitas of a frame and glass.

On a more prosaic note I am not looking forward to invigilating the show; the Bargehouse is so cold.  It is a huge thick walled building, with metal framed windows, that has never ever been heated, and which after a while seems to exude cold, slightly damp air. That and the fact that practically no one visits except the potential students they hope to lure to the University.  So it is a long, cold, lonely  watch,  any visitors will be very gratefully welcomed.


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